International law notes uganda

  • How can an international convention become law in Uganda?

    All treaties shall be ratified as follows— (a)by the Cabinet in the case of any treaty other than a treaty referred to in paragraph (b) of this section; or (b)by Parliament by resolution— (i)where the treaty relates to armistice, neutrality or peace; or (ii)in the case of a treaty in respect of which the Attorney .

  • Is Uganda a common law country?

    As a former protectorate of the United Kingdom, Uganda's legal system is based on English common law.
    The Ugandan judiciary is an independent branch of government and includes a Constitutional Court and a High Court.
    In addition, Uganda accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations..

  • What are the 5 sources of law in Uganda?

    Sources Of Law

    Legislation.Delegated Legislation.Judicial Precedents.English Common Law.Customs.African customary law.Ecclesiastical Law or Religion..

  • What are the types of law in Uganda?

    So the statutory law, common law, doctrines of equity and customary law are applicable in Ugandan legal system.
    All these laws are stipulated by their Judicature act.
    The constitution is the superior law over all other laws in Uganda.
    No other law will be taken in consideration which conflict the constitution..

  • As a former protectorate of the United Kingdom, Uganda's legal system is based on English common law.
    The Ugandan judiciary is an independent branch of government and includes a Constitutional Court and a High Court.
    In addition, Uganda accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations.

Brief History of International Law

One reason most writers abstain from and attempt to define international law is that it is atbest, an imprecise term which is best understood by examining its historical evaluationand development.
Early beginning- In pre-history time mankind lived in families, such as thoseuncovered by Dr.
Lewis Leakey in Tanzania’s Olduvai Gorge.
Homo habilis f.

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Ibinjira cases - Constitutional law notes Bachelor of Laws100%(49) 22 Constitutional law Notes 1 Bachelor of Laws100%(21) Discover more from:

  • Bachelor of LawsLLB Makerere University 999+ Documents Go to course 34 Land law notes ( print ) - good read .
  • International Law

    The nature and philosophy of International Law Law has different meanings.
    One definition: “The result at any given time of an evolutionary law making process whereby the international community develops a system of rules to guide relations between sovereign nations.” The international law at any given time is the product of this law making proc.

    Justice Statute Artice 38

    Note the ICJ is a 15 person court established in 1946.
    In the same year, the PermanentCourt of International Justice approved by the Assembly of the League of Nations in 1920was dissolved.
    Article 38 reads 1. “The court whose functions is to decide in accordance with international law suchdisputes as are submitted to it, shall apply;a) internationa.

    Vi Out Look For Future

    Since 1945, some international lawyers looking with nostalgia on the pre-world war IIclassical western international law system feel that current international law is headingtowards collapse.
    They point to the proliferation of specific rules which are honored in thebreach, rather than the observance by a growing number of stats, they also point to .

    What is customary international law?

    Customary international law.
    Most customary international law is reflected inmunicipal (internal) law, as we have seen, and hence internal court decisions usuallyreflect this law.

    What is international law?

    INTERNATIONAL LAW NOTES INTERNATIONAL LAW The nature and philosophy of International Law Law has different meanings.
    One definition:

  • “The result at any given time of an evolutionary law making process whereby the international community develops a system of rules to guide relations between sovereign nations.” .
  • Who wrote the first international law?

    First early writers concerning international law were Grotius Vitoria, Gentile,Zouche, Papendorf etcC.
    Western International law becomes universal.
    The 19th century saw“classical” international law consolidated with the congress of Vietnam ending Napoleonicwars 1814-1815.

    What are Uganda Commercial Law Reports?

    Uganda Commercial Law Reports – The reports cover decisions of the Commercial Division of the High Court of Uganda since its establishment in 1996

    The first in series of the law reports, 1997 – 1998 UCL was launched in November 2005 by the Chief Justice, Justice Benjamin Odoki

    What laws are applicable in Uganda?

    The laws applicable in Uganda are statutory law, common law, doctrines of equity and customary law

    The Constitution is the supreme law in Uganda and any law or custom that is in conflict with it is null and void to the extent of the inconsistency

    Uganda has adopted 3 constitutions since her independence

    Where can I find laws & reference books in Uganda?

    All the above-mentioned legislation and reference books, and many others can be easily obtained at the Law Development Center Publishing House and Book Centre, Uganda Bookshop, Mukono Bookshop and Aristoc Bookshop

    Article 98 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda

    Use of cannabis in Uganda

    Cannabis in Uganda was legalized as of the 5th of May, 2023 by the Constitutional Court after the law prohibiting its use was nullified.
    It was ruled that, [...] since the provisions that banned dealing in miraa were not handled by parliament independent of the rest of the provisions of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act, 2015, it is only prudent that the entire law is nullified
    International law notes uganda
    International law notes uganda

    Aspect of human geography in Uganda

    Demographic features of the population of Uganda include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and others.
    Geography of Uganda

    Geography of Uganda



    Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in Uganda face severe legal challenges, active discrimination, state persecution and stigmatisation not experienced by non-LGBT residents.
    Both male and female homosexual activity is illegal in Uganda.
    Originally criminalised by British colonial laws introduced when Uganda became a British protectorate, these were retained after the country gained its independence.


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