International law what is it

  • List of international laws

    Abstract: International law supports order in the world and the attainment of humanity's fundamental goals of advancing peace, prosperity, human rights, and environmental protection..

  • List of international laws

    The Law of Nations.

International law is the term given to the rules which govern relations between states. Despite the absence of any superior authority to enforce such rules, international law is considered by states as binding upon them, and it is this fact which gives these rules the status of law.
What is International Law? International law is the term given to the rules which govern relations between states. Despite the absence of any superior authority to enforce such rules, international law is considered by states as binding upon them, and it is this fact which gives these rules the status of law.

Is international law really a law?

The article finally concludes by stating that international law is a real law because enforcement is not entirely the only hallmark of what constitutes law and even domestic law in a broader sense does not possess full enforcement as argued by scholars who are of the view that international law is not really law.
Opinion Article .


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International law for war
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