International law on war

  • International humanitarian Law organizations

    Why do we need international humanitarian law? War is forbidden.
    The Charter of the United Nations states clearly that the threat or use of force against other States is unlawful.
    Since 1945, war has no longer been an acceptable way to settle differences between States..

War is governed by the law of armed conflict, also called “international humanitarian law.” The concept of international humanitarian law goes back to ancient history and exists in every culture, religion, and tradition. It is closely linked to the history of war.

When did the law of war come out?

1880 Manual of the Laws and Customs of War at Oxford.
At its session in Geneva in 1874 the Institute of International Law appointed a committee to study the Brussels Declaration of the same year and to submit to the Institute its opinion and supplementary proposals on the subject.

What is International Criminal Law?

There is also international criminal law, which falls within the jurisdiction of the international criminal court and national courts

The ICC has jurisdiction over individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide and, to a limited extent, the crime of aggression (waging an illegal war)

What is the main purpose of international humanitarian law?

The main purpose of international humanitarian law (IHL) is to maintain some humanity in armed conflicts, saving lives and reducing suffering

To do that, IHL regulates how wars are fought, balancing two aspects: weakening the enemy and limiting suffering

The rules of war are universal
×International law on war, or international humanitarian law (IHL), is a set of rules that limit the effects of armed conflicts for humanitarian reasons. IHL is part of the body of international law that governs relations between states. IHL also concerns itself with the legality of war and the obligations of states to respect certain treaties. However, IHL is binding on states but unenforceable.


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