International law regarding refugees seeking asylum

  • Asylum countries

    International Humanitarian Law (IHL) definition
    Under IHL, refugees are primarily considered as civilians who have lost the protection of their government.
    IHL therefore interprets the concept of refugees more broadly to the protection of civilians and of population displacements caused by armed conflict..

  • Refugees types

    International Humanitarian Law (IHL) definition
    Under IHL, refugees are primarily considered as civilians who have lost the protection of their government.
    IHL therefore interprets the concept of refugees more broadly to the protection of civilians and of population displacements caused by armed conflict..

  • What are the international laws around asylum seekers refugees?

    The Geneva Convention Related to the Status of Refugees is the main source of legal protections for refugees.
    IRL provides a specific definition of refugee, safeguards the right to seek asylum, and protects against being forcibly returned to a country where one would face persecution (non-refoulement)..

  • What is the purpose of international refugee law?

    IRL provides a specific definition of refugee, safeguards the right to seek asylum, and protects against being forcibly returned to a country where one would face persecution (non-refoulement)..

Article 14 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights establishes that “everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”.

Do European countries have a history of hostility towards asylum seekers?

European countries, for example, have a history of hostility towards asylum seeking migrants, which does nothing but make entrance and integration even more difficult to the refugees attempting to enter these countries.

What is refugee law?

Refugee Law.
Respect for the rule of law and human rights forms the essence of the protection of refugees, returnees and stateless persons.
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has a mandate to provide international protection to refugees, including:

  • promoting the accession to international refugee..
  • Who has the right to seek asylum from persecution?

    Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
    The 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees elaborates upon this right.
    It provides an international meaning of ‘refugee’, which is a person in another country at risk of persecution in her, his or their own country.

    Why is the United States refusing asylum on the southern border?

    The United States is refusing asylum seeking migrants on its Southern border.
    Although international law makes it clear that migrants crossing international borders searching for asylum should not be returned, discriminated against, or turned away, countries continue to defy international standards.

    What is the International Law of diplomatic asylum?

    The international law of diplomatic asylum is about the resolution of conflicts between the sending and receiving states of a diplomatic representation

    14 Typically, it regulates relations between states

    Overview of the right for asylum in Germany

    The right of asylum for victims of political persecution is a basic right stipulated in the Constitution of Germany.
    In a wider sense, the right of asylum recognises the definition of 'refugee' as established in the 1951 Refugee Convention and is understood to protect asylum seekers from deportation and grant them certain protections under the law.
    Generally, these protections are a part of the asylum procedure itself and are verified by the Federal Office For Migration and Refugees without any further application.


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