International law horizontal system

  • Areas of international law

    NATURALIST THEORY: Most of the jurists of 16th and 17th century were of the view that the basis of any law is law of nature and international law being part of law has the same basis and for the same reason is binding on the states..

  • Areas of international law

    These are grounded in the three basic differences between EU agreements and other international agreements: EU powers are derived from a limitation of national sovereignty and transfer of powers, the EU is an integral part of the national community, and EU law becomes part of the national legal order immediately (Stein .

  • Areas of international law

    Two Theories: a) Constitutive Theory: Only through recognition does a state come into being. under international law. b) Declaratory Theory: once the factual criteria have been satisfied, a new state. exists as an international legal person and recognition is a political act, not a..

The international legal system is a horizontal system dominated by States which are, in principle, considered sovereign and equal. International law is predominately made and implemented by States. Only States can have sovereignty over territory.
The international legal system is a horizontal system dominated by States which are, in principle, considered sovereign and equal. International law is predominately made and implemented by States. Only States can have sovereignty over territory.

Is international law a system?

International law is a system: treaties may contradict each other, but the function of lawyers is to seek a resolution of conflicts, not simply to display them

Even fundamental norms have to be applied in the context of the legal system as a whole


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