Competition law hr

Apr 5, 2023Many HR practitioners will have limited experience with competition law to date. As a priority, employers should ensure HR staff are adequately 
Apr 5, 2023The guidance warns employers that no-poaching agreements, wage-fixing agreements, and information sharing concerning the terms and conditions of 

Can a human resources agreement run afoul of competition law?

European and US jurisprudence shows that an agreement or merely the exchange of information concerning human resources data, such as:

  • wage/salary
  • among competitors could run afoul of competition law rules.
  • What are the pitfalls of competition law?

    Competition law is more applicable to an HR professional’s role than many imagine – which means there are potential pitfalls they should be aware of.
    Matthew Hall reports Most HR professionals will be aware that competition law (‘antitrust’ in the US) bans price-fixing cartels and companies are regularly fined for such activities.

    What is the impact of antitrust/competition law on HR?

    In addition to corporate fines, these include:

  • individual fines
  • imprisonment
  • private damages claims against companies and unenforceability of contracts
  • not to mention reputational issues.
    The impact of antitrust/competition law on the HR field is a big focus in the US and this is spreading to other regions and countries, including:the EU/UK.
  • What is the law on competitor collaboration?

    Other forms of competitor collaborations, such as:

  • joint ventures and strategic alliances
  • may be subject to review under Part VIII of the Act
  • which prohibits conduct only where it is likely to substantially lessen or prevent competition.
    Subsection 45(1) states:45.
  • Competition law hr
    Competition law hr

    United States legislation

    The United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 (USICA) (external text>S. 1260), formerly known as the Endless Frontier Act, was United States legislation sponsored by Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Todd Young (R-IN) authorizing $110 billion for basic and advanced technology research over a five-year period.
    Investment in basic and advanced research, commercialization, and education and training programs in artificial intelligence, semiconductors, quantum computing, advanced communications, biotechnology and advanced energy, amounts to $100 billion.
    Over $10 billion was authorized for appropriation to designate ten regional technology hubs and create a supply chain crisis-response program.
    The act is aimed at competing with China and to respond to US fears of an AI Cold War.


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