Competition law ipleaders

  • What is the adverse effect of competition law?

    In certain industries, bid suppression and market division practices can restrict competition by allocating markets among competitors or suppressing competitive bidding.
    These practices can result in an appreciable adverse effect on competition by limiting consumer choices and stifling market entry..

  • By protecting the process of competition and fair play in markets, the Competition Act ensures freedom of businesses to compete on merits.
    As businesses, you are both competitors in the markets as well as consumers of inputs.

What are the features of the Competition Act 2002?

Some of the notable features of The Competition Act, 2002 have been laid down hereunder:

  • Anti-competitive agreements: Any agreement between two or more businesses or individuals to preserve market competition and protect consumers’ interests in India is prohibited by the competition law.
  • What challenges does competition law address?

    One of the key challenges that competition law, often known as antitrust law, addresses is dominance.
    The concept of “dominance” refers to the ability of a firm or group of firms to influence output or pricing in the relevant market.
    Abuse refers to the misuse, exploitation, or excessive use of a person’s power.

    What is competition law?

    Competition Law is designed to maintain and promote a fair and healthy competition between enterprises in the market.
    It aims to protect the interests of the consumers and ensure freedom of trade carried on by other players in the market by regulating the conduct of these enterprises and by refraining them […] .

    What is the difference between competition law and IPR?

    The purpose of competition law is to safeguard and enhance consumer welfare by reducing monopolistic power.
    On the contrary, IPR is focused on innovation by granting the owners exclusive rights to execute a commercial business, but this does not imply that they may exercise a monopoly position in the market.


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