Competition law landmark cases

Does competition law apply horizontally?

Competition law applies horizontally in all sectors, in addition to sector-specific regulation.
Antitrust and merger control cases abound in the telecoms and media sectors, with significant cases also occurring in the postal sector.
In addition, the rise of the data economy is challenging traditional approaches to assess market power.

Is Google violating Competition Law?

The US government has filed charges against Google, accusing the company of violating competition law to preserve its monopoly over internet searches and online advertising.
The lawsuit marks the biggest challenge brought by US regulators against a major tech company in years.

Monopoly concerns

The charges, filed in federal court, were brought by the US Department of Justice and 11 other states.
The lawsuit focuses on the billions of dollars Google pays each year to ensure its search engine is installed as the default option on browsers and devices such as mobile phones.


The US government has filed charges against Google, accusing the company of violating competition law to preserve its monopoly over internet searches and online advertising.

What are the prohibitions laid down in Section 4 of the Competition Act?

The CCI observed that the prohibitions laid down in section 4 of the Competition Act are straightforward and any abuse of dominant position in terms of the imposition of unfair conditions, denial of market access, leveraging, imposition of supplementary obligations etc. is prohibited.

Why did European competition law & practice publish a special issue?

Given the significance of the judgment, the editors of the Journal of European Competition Law & Practice decided to publish a Special Issue dissecting the various aspects of the General Court’s ruling.
A call for papers resulted in the submission of over 30 abstracts, from which nine articles have finally been selected for publication.


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