Competition law notes ppt

  • What are the purposes of the Competition Act?

    The Competition Act contains both criminal and civil provisions aimed at preventing anti competitive practices in the marketplace.
    Its purpose is to maintain and encourage competition in Canada in order to: promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy..

3 Practices

 Restrictive Horizontal practices- s4 of the Competition Act Competitive firms are firms that compete in the same market and compete in respect of the same or substitutable service/goods Two Prohibitionss4(1)(a)- rule of reason prohibition- it is open to a party to raise a defence, namely ofthe technological efficiency and pro-competitive gainss4(.

How competition law awareness and enforcement are increasing day by day?

Competition Law awareness and enforcement are increasing day by day.
Long-term, sustainable growth of big organization, corporation and companies warrants attention to competition law while strategising their growth.
Andrey Prozorov, CISM, CIPP/E, CDPSE.
LA 27001 Valerie Baez (100422308) - P50 - Individual Assignment - Grievance Letter and.. 1.

Organisational Economics

FOUR CENTRAL CONCEPTS (borrowed from the EU and USA).
1) Curtailed behaviour.
2) Vertical restraints.
3) Abuse of dominance.
4) Mergers i.
History of Competition law Where to find the reading materials.
Competition Tribunal of SA and SAFLII Useful material?  Principles of competition law in South Africa (available in lib)  David Lewis- thieves at the.

What is competition law?

Competition Law is codification of rules designed to promote and sustain market competition What is Competition What is Competition Law It is the “invisible hand” of competition that steers markets towards efficient equilibriums 5.

Will a free presentation help my colleagues understand competition law better?

If the answer to these questions is no, or you're not sure, then our free presentation will help your colleagues understand competition law better.
Our free training presentation covers the key points of competition law in an easily digestible format, along with interactive learning activities.


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