Competition law oman

  • What is the basic law in Oman?

    All Citizens are equal before the Law and share the same public rights and duties.
    There shall be no discrimination amongst them on the ground of gender, origin, colour, language, religion, sect, domicile, or social status..

  • What is the competition law in Oman?

    67/2014, as amended by Royal Decree No. 22/2018) (Competition Law) prohibits anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing, limiting production quantities, restricting trade and any other practices that risk the distortion or manipulation of fair competition in Oman.May 10, 2021.

  • What is the competition law in Oman?

    The purpose of the Competition Law is clear: to open up markets in Oman to growing players and reduce the effect that larger market players have on prices and flow of products and services.
    Its aim is also clear: to reduce the exploitative forces on consumers occasionally imposed by holders of significant market power..

  • What is the legal system of Oman?

    Legislation in Oman is based on Islamic Sharia law.
    Oman does have its own constitution which is the Basic Statute of the State 1996.
    This is the first written constitution of the Oman..

  • What is the merger control threshold in Oman?

    Economic concentrations in Oman are likely to be created by merger, acquisition or joint venture between two or more companies.
    The threshold above which clearance would be required for the concentration is a 35% share of the relevant market..

  • Economic concentrations in Oman are likely to be created by merger, acquisition or joint venture between two or more companies.
    The threshold above which clearance would be required for the concentration is a 35% share of the relevant market.
67/2014, as amended by Royal Decree No. 22/2018) (Competition Law) prohibits anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing, limiting production quantities, restricting trade and any other practices that risk the distortion or manipulation of fair competition in Oman.
67/2014, as amended by Royal Decree No. 22/2018) (Competition Law) prohibits anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing, limiting production quantities, restricting trade and any other practices that risk the distortion or manipulation of fair competition in Oman.
The purpose of the Competition Law is clear: to open up markets in Oman to growing players and reduce the effect that larger market players have on prices and flow of products and services. Its aim is also clear: to reduce the exploitative forces on consumers occasionally imposed by holders of significant market power.
This law aims at regulating the freedom of practicing any economic activ- ity, stabilizing the principles of the market rules and freedom of pricing in such manner that the same shall not restrict the integral competition, prevent the same or to be negatively affected thereby.

Economic Concentrations

When advising on the competition law aspects of large M&A transactions involving an Omani target, legal practitioners in Oman have become accustomed to the document requests that have been sought by the Competition Authority in Oman.
The Regulations now clarify the data and materials that are required whenever a request has been made for the creati.

Geographical and Product Market

From a consumer perspective, the Competition Law seeks to restrict the taking of certain behaviour, either through the implementation of agreements or by one or more dominant market participants, that would have an adverse effect on the Omani market.
Examples of such behaviour include clearly identifiable acts such as price collusion, predatory pri.

Is Oman a civil law jurisdiction?

Oman is a civil law jurisdiction.
Legislation is the primary source of its laws, not judicial precedent.
Royal Decrees form the bedrock of Oman’s legislative framework, and are often supplemented by secondary/delegated legislation in the form of Ministerial Decisions.

What is competitive edge in Oman?

Competitive Edge.
Competition and Anti-Monopoly Law in Oman In Oman the Consumer Protection Authority (the ‘Authority’), amongst its other significant powers and duties, regulates the recently promulgated anti-trust and competition law.

What is the competition law in Oman?

The Competition Law provides that any agreement, arrangement or practice (whether concluded inside or outside Oman) that has the object of preventing, limiting or weakening the competition is prohibited.

What is the competition law in Saudi Arabia?

The Competition Law has a broad scope and applies to all plants, establishments, companies and associations carrying out commercial, agricultural, industrial or service works, or buying and selling goods or services in the Saudi markets, whether or not they are physically located in Saudi Arabia.

Competition law oman
Competition law oman

1992 court case regarding video game copyright law

Atari Games Corp. v.
was a series of court cases where Atari, a video game developer, challenged the United States Copyright Office for refusing copyright registration for their arcade game Breakout.
The Register of Copyrights first rejected Atari's registration in 1987, determining that Breakout lacked sufficient creativity to qualify as an audiovisual work.
Atari twice appealed the register's decision before their copyright was granted.
Decided in 1992, the case affirmed that video games are protected from clone developers who mimic a game's audiovisual aspects.
Registered trademarks in Oman are governed by the Industrial Property Law issued by Royal Decree No 67/2008 which was later amended by Royal Decree No 131/2008.
Women's football in Oman was officially established in 2015, with the formation of the Women's Football Department of the Oman Football Association.
Depite a club competition or national team not having been formed yet, in 2022 the women's futsal team was unveiled and participated in the 2022 WAFF Women's Futsal Championship.


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