Competition law uae

  • Does UAE have antitrust laws?

    Competition, or antitrust, laws set out the rules and procedures that aim to protect fair competition between businesses that produce similar products or services in a specific market and to secure fair deals for consumers.
    Competition in the UAE is regulated by Federal Law No.Sep 4, 2022.

  • Is price fixing legal in UAE?

    Anti-Competitive Practices – Abuse of Dominant Position
    The Law lists a number of non-exclusive actions that are prohibited, including those with the following objectives: Imposing the prices or conditions of reselling of commodities or services directly or indirectly..

  • What is the competition law in Qatar?

    The law bans all agreements that aim to limit competition or result in monopolies.
    Institutions that have a dominant position in the market are also prohibited from abusing this position..

  • What is the competition law in the UAE?

    The UAE Competition Law applies broadly, covering a range of commercial transactions, known as an 'economic concentration', and includes total or partial – and direct or indirect – mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and assets or proprietary rights.Mar 7, 2023.

  • What is the new competition law in the UAE?

    Federal Law No (4) of 2012 on the Regulation of Competition aims to protect and promote competition and anti-monopoly practices by providing a stimulating environment for organisations to enhance efficiency, competitiveness and consumer interest and achieve sustainable development in the UAE, while maintaining a .

  • What is UAE Federal competition law Federal Law No 4 of 2012?

    This law aims to safeguard and promote competition and combat anti-monopoly practices by providing a stimulating environment for enterprises to enhance efficiency, competitiveness and consumer interest; achieve sustainable development in the UAE; and maintain a competitive market governed by market mechanisms in .

  • Activity that may be considered abuse of a dominant market position can include: Predatory pricing – where a firm deliberately drives down the prices of products and services to below market costs to drive competitors out of the market or restrict competitors from entering a market.
  • The Competition Law sets out two main criteria for determining whether a proposed M&A transaction requires approval: The merged entity must have a market share of at least 40% post-transaction.
    The transaction must not adversely impact competition, such as by creating or enhancing a dominant market position.
Competition law in the UAE is governed by the Federal Law No 4 of 2012 as well as supporting regulations such as the Implementing Regulations of 2012, Cabinet Decision No 13 of 2016 and Cabinet Decision No 22 of 2016 (together, the UAE Competition Law).
The Competition Law aims to eliminate restrictive agreements, actions that lead to abuse of dominant positions, economic concentration (monopoly), or any other such action which has the potential to destroy a fair competitive market, so as to ensure that the principles of economic freedom are observed.
The UAE Competition Law applies broadly, covering a range of commercial transactions, known as an 'economic concentration', and includes total or partial – and direct or indirect – mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and assets or proprietary rights.


It should be noted that there are a number of companies and types of transactions which are automatically exempted from the remit of UAE Competition Law.
These are: 1. entities that are at least 50% owned by the government; 2. transactions initiated by the government; 3. small to medium enterprises (SMEs) – the UAE Competition Law applies a definit.

Is there a composite law on competition in the UAE?

Until the issue of the Federal Law No. 4 of 2012 on the Regulation of Competition, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) lacked a composite law on competition, with elements of competition law strewn over various legislations.
In 2013, the said law came into force, aiming to curb anti-competitive practices and regulate economic concentrations.

Merger Control Application

Foreign and financial free zone companies, which are generally understood to fall outside of the remit of competition legislation, should note in particular how broadly applicable the UAE Competition Law is.
Even foreign companies which are incorporated or have activities outside of the UAE proposing to enter into a transaction covered by the UAE C.

Restrictive Agreements and Abuse of Dominance

The UAE Competition Law also prohibits any restrictive agreement with a UAE counterparty or which affects the UAE and which restricts or prevents competition.
This includes price-fixing; determining conditions for sale or supply of services; colluding in bids, practices and supplying offers; market sharing/allocation; and limiting the free flow of .

Should competition be regulated in the GCC?

If the plan is to accomplish harmony between GCC states, regulating competition should no doubt also be at the top of the list of matters for harmonization of laws and practices.
The enactment of UAE Federal Law No. 4 of 2012 Concerning Regulation of Competition is an important step in the evolution of competition law in the UAE.

What is the enactment of UAE federal law 4 of 2012?

The enactment of UAE Federal Law No. 4 of 2012 Concerning Regulation of Competition is an important step in the evolution of competition law in the UAE.
The Executive Regulations to the Law and the thresholds determining market power will add the necessary details to this Law.

Who is the competition regulator in the UAE?

The UAE Competition Regulation Committee, established under the Competition Law, and functioning under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy is the relevant competition regulator in the UAE.


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