Competition law 2002 notes

on May 2000, The draft competition law was presented on November 2000. After certain amendments the parliament passed the new law, called completion Act 2002.


The Competition Act of 2002 was passed by the government as a measure to keep up with the rapidly evolving economic conditions and is consistent with the new economic paradigms of globalisation, privatisation, and liberalisation.
It shows the country’s readiness to transition from a planned economy to one with a free market but with sufficient chec.

How does the Competition Act affect the economy?

When markets stabilise, the economy gains sustainability, earnings, effectiveness, advancement, and long-term advantages.
One such law is the The Competition Act, 2002, which aims to eliminate anti-competitive behaviour by prohibiting anti-competitive agreements and mistreating market domination situations.


The first step to success is competition.
When markets stabilise, the economy gains sustainability, earnings, effectiveness, advancement, and long-term advantages.
One such law is the The Competition Act, 2002, which aims to eliminate anti-competitive behaviour by prohibiting anti-competitive agreements and mistreating market domination situations..

Landmark Judgments on Competition Law

As now we have a general idea of the Competition Act of 2002, it is necessary to note how the legislation has been interpreted and applied by courts in disputes in relation to competition law.
Some of the landmark decisions have been elaborated hereunder.

Loopholes in The Competition Act, 2002

To improve the effectiveness of India’s competition regime, several factors still need to be taken into account by the government and the Commission.
Being a late arrival, Indian competition law had the benefit of absorbing a few aspects of other nations’ competition laws.
1) Experts believe that the present Act might have included a number of sign.

Notable Cases Dealt by The CCI

When onion prices reached80 rupees in December 2010, CCI launched an investigation to see if there was any cartelization among dealers, but it was unable to locate enough proof of market manipulation.

Regulatory Framework Under The Competition Act, 2002

Any law must be successfully implemented within an institutional structure, and competition law is no exception.
The Raghavan Committee’s
mandate included, among other things, the requirement to suggest both the legislative framework and the administrative setup for the modernised competition regime in India.
This was done in recognition of the nee.

The Competition Act, 2002

The Vajpayee government developed the concept of the ‘Competition Commission’ and introduced it as the Competition Act, 2002.
It was considered that competition and private enterprise needed to be encouraged, particularly in light of the 1991 economic liberalisation of India.
Modern competition rules are based on the Competition Act of 2002, as upd.

What is the difference between Section 3 & 3 of Competition Act?

Builders Association of India v.
Cement Manufacturers and Ors. (2016) (Cement cartel case) Section 3 of the Competition Act, 2002 deals with provisions of anti-competitive agreements whereas, section 3 (3) of the Competition Act, 2002 deals with the provisions of horizontal agreements.

Which vertical agreements are allowed under the Competition Act 2002?

Various vertical agreements permitted under the Competition Act, 2002 are as follows:

  • When an individual or a firm is in a stronger position
  • which allows them to act freely irrespective of competitive pressures in the market sector
  • they are said to be in a dominant position.

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