Competition act by

  • 1. : the act or process of competing : rivalry: such as. a. : the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms. contractors in competition for the contract to build the new school.
  • What does competition do?

    Competition in America is about price, selection, and service. it benefits consumers by keeping prices low and the quality and choice of goods and services high.
    Competition makes our economy work.
    By enforcing antitrust laws, the Federal trade Commission helps to ensure that our markets are open and free..

  • What does competition lead to?

    Competition favours consumers
    Competition between companies translates into a greater quantity of products and services, a better quality of goods, and lower prices.
    In the end, this is what the consumer is looking for — the best quality at the best possible price..

  • What is the act of competing?

    1. : the act or process of competing : rivalry: such as. a. : the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms. contractors in competition for the contract to build the new school..

  • Who is responsible for competition?

    The Competition Commission (Commission) is one of three independent statutory bodies established in terms of the Competition Act, No. 89 of 1998 (the Act) to regulate competition between firms in the market..

The Competition ActWe provide all South Africans equal opportunity to participate fairly in the national economyFollow Us 
The Competition Act, 2002 was passed by the Parliament in the year 2002, to which the President accorded assent in January, 2003. It was subsequently amended 
To promote employment and advance the social and economic welfare of South Africans. To expand opportunities for South African participation in world markets 


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