Competition law in namibia

  • How do I contact the Namibia Competition Commission?

    For any competition-related matters kindly contact us at +264 61 224622 during office hours (08h00am - 17h00pm) Monday to Friday. .

  • What is the Competition Act 2003 in Namibia?

    Competition Act 2 of 2003
    The Competition Act was issued to safeguard and promote competition in the Namibian market; to establish the Namibian Competition Commission and make provision for its powers, duties and functions; and to provide for incidental matters..

  • What is the Competition Law Act in Namibia?

    Background on the Namibian Competition Commission
    The Act regulates competition issues across all sectors of the Namibian economy, having regulatory oversight of over 80 000 business entities.
    It became operational on 09 December 2009..

  • What is the competition law in Namibia?

    The Namibian Competition Commission was established in terms of the Competition Act 2 of 2003.
    The Act regulates competition issues across all sectors of the Namibian economy, having regulatory oversight of over 80 000 business entities.
    It became operational on 09 December 2009..

  • What is the Namibian Competition Commission Act 2 of 2003?

    Competition Act 2 of 2003
    The Competition Act was issued to safeguard and promote competition in the Namibian market; to establish the Namibian Competition Commission and make provision for its powers, duties and functions; and to provide for incidental matters..

  • Why is it important for South Africa to have a competition act?

    To provide consumers with competitive prices and product choices.
    To promote employment and advance the social and economic welfare of South Africans.
    To expand opportunities for South African participation in world markets and recognises the role of foreign competition in the Republic..

  • AN ACT to promote and maintain competition in the economy of Zimbabwe; to establish a Competition and Tariff Commission and to provide for its functions; to provide for the prevention and control of restrictive practices, the regulation of mergers, the prevention and control of monopoly situations and the prohibition
  • For any competition-related matters kindly contact us at +264 61 224622 during office hours (08h00am - 17h00pm) Monday to Friday.
  • To achieve its purpose, the Commission's core functions are the following: implement measures to increase market transparency; implement measures to develop public awareness of the provisions of the Act; investigate and evaluate alleged anti-competitive conduct; conduct formal inquiry in respect of the general state of
The Namibian Competition Act aims to remove or reduce the distorting effects resulting from: Collusive practices; • Abuse of dominant position; and • Mergers. detrimental to public interest, are prohibited.
Competition Act 2 of 2003. The Competition Act was issued to safeguard and promote competition in the Namibian market; to establish the Namibian Competition 
The Namibian Competition Act aims to remove or reduce the distorting effects resulting from: Collusive practices; • Abuse of dominant position; and • Mergers. detrimental to public interest, are prohibited.
The Namibian Competition Commission was established in terms of the Competition Act 2 of 2003. The Act regulates competition issues across all sectors of the Namibian economy, having regulatory oversight of over 80 000 business entities.

Does Namibia have a national competition policy?

Despite the absence of a National Competition Policy, the Namibian Government enacted the Competition Act 2 in 2003, and the Namibian competition authority has to date been implementing the legislation.

How does competition law work in South Africa?

In South Africa, different regulatory authorities have taken different approaches.
For example, competition law arguably proposes an external system.
In that system, the Competition Commission does investigative work and then refers the matter to the Competition Tribunal for a decision.

How to become a lawyer in Namibia?

Students whosuccessfully complete the Bachelor of Laws are eligible to register at theJustice Training Centre (JTC) for classes and exams that will enable them tosit for the Namibian Bar examination.
The University of Namibia also has a master’s program.

What are the laws of Namibia?

• Aliens Act, Act No. 1 of 1937 • Immigration Control Act, Act No. 7 of 1993 • Namibian Citizenship Act, Act No. 14 of 1990 • Namibian Citizenship Special Conferment Act, Act No. 14 of 1991 • Namibia Refugees (Recognition and Control) Act, Act No. 2 of 1999 Commissions • Commissions Act, Act No. 8 of 1947 Communications .


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