Competition law developments 2022

  • What is the EU law on competition?

    Article 101(1) prohibits, "All agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market.".

In 2022, the overhaul of the European Commission's competition policy progressed steadily alongside 'traditional' competition law enforcement. More clarity on the vertical, social, and digital aspects of competition law is now available, with more fine-tuning imminent in 2023.

What are 'level playing field' and 'fairness' in 2022?

‘Level playing field’ and ‘fairness’ are the buzzwords to sum up the 2022 competition developments.
Apart from a brand new tool (the DMA) to level the digital sector playing field, the concept of ‘fairness’ has been re-introduced into competition policy through the sustainability and labour developments (see our November 2022 newsletter).

What will the European Commission do in 2022?

In 2022, the overhaul of the European Commission’s competition policy progressed steadily alongside ‘traditional’ competition law enforcement.
More clarity on the vertical, social, and digital aspects of competition law is now available, with more fine-tuning imminent in 2023.


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Competition law developments 2023
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