Competition law european union

  • What is the competition law in the EU?

    Article 101 prohibits anti-competitive agreements between two or more independent market operators.
    Article 102 prohibits abusive behaviour by companies holding a dominant position on any given market..

  • EU competition law is based on the articles 101 to 109 of the Treaty of on the functioning of the European Union and various regulations and directives.Sep 8, 2023
  • The EU's role in competition policy was set out in the Treaty of Rome (1957), which gave it wide-ranging powers to oversee and prevent activities that it judges likely to stop competition between firms.
European competition law today derives mostly from articles 101 to 109 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), as well as a series of Regulations and Directives. Four main policy areas include: Cartels, or control of collusion and other anti-competitive practices, under article 101 TFEU.
European competition law today derives mostly from articles 101 to 109 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), as well as a series of Regulations and Directives. Four main policy areas include: Cartels, or control of collusion and other anti-competitive practices, under article 101 TFEU.
European Union competition law is the competition law in use within the European Union. It promotes the maintenance of competition within the European Single Market by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies to ensure that they do not create cartels and monopolies that would damage the interests of society.
The main objective of the EU competition rules is to enable the proper functioning of the EU's internal market as a key driver for the well-being of EU citizens, businesses and society as a whole.
Competition law european union
Competition law european union

Legislative act of the European Union

In European Union law, a decision is a legal instrument which is binding upon those individuals to which it is addressed.
They are one of three kinds of legal instruments which may be effected under EU law which can have legally binding effects on individuals.
Decisions may be addressed to member states or individuals.
The Council of the European Union can delegate power to make decisions to the European Commission.
European Union shipping law is the body of law developed by the European Union (EU) relating to shipping or maritime matters.

Form of government subsidy restricted in EU law

State aid in the European Union is the name given to a subsidy or any other aid provided by a government that distorts competitions.
Under European Union competition law the term has a legal meaning, being any measure that demonstrates any of the characteristics in Article 107 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in that if it distorts competition or the free market, it is classed by the European Union as being illegal state aid.
Measures which fall within the definition of state aid are considered unlawful unless provided under an exemption or notified by the European Commission.
In 2019, the EU member states provided state aid corresponding to 0.81% of the bloc's GDP.


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