Competition law libya

  • Can the US do business with Libya?

    Libya Trade & Investment Summary
    U.S. goods imports from Libya totaled $2.2 billion in 2022, up 1.7 percent ($36 million) from 2021, but down 12 percent from 2012.
    The U.S. goods trade deficit with Libya was $1.9 billion in 2022, a 2.1 percent increase ($40 million) over 2021..

  • What is the legal system in Libya?

    The law of Libya has historically been influenced by Ottoman, French, Italian, and Egyptian sources.
    Under the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Libya has moved towards a legal system based on sharia, but with various deviations from it..

  • Law No 14/2010 prohibits a combined market domination of more than 50% (Article 9).
    Law No 3/2013 prohibits a domination of 35% or more of the market (Article 8).
    In addition, both laws prohibit certain vertical and horizontal restrictions, including, but not limited to: Price fixing.
Competition is governed by law no. 23 of 2010 regarding commercial activities. The law applies to all commercial activities, whether practiced by natural persons or entities. Also, it extends to cover any economic activity to be executed outside Libya but has its effect inside.
The law of Libya has historically been influenced by Ottoman, French, Italian, and Egyptian sources competition rules. Provision of the opinion and advise on 

Does Libya have a trademark law?

Libya introduced a trademarks law in 2010 but does not yet have a national competition authority.
According to the International Law Office, the Libyan Trademarks Office (LTMO) has sporadically resumed its operations since June 2013 and has issued its first official gazette since civil unrest broke out in 2011.

Is Libya still a member of COMESA?

This may be an indication that the 2010 law is still in effect, but how and whether the law is implemented has yet to be determined.
Since 2006, Libya has been a member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), which aims to promote economic integration among its 19 African member states.

Merger Control Enforcement in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

Kuwait: In September 2021, Kuwait introduced turnover-based thresholds that could trigger filing requirements for domestic and foreign transactions.
Since that time, Kuwait’s Competition Protection Agency (“CPA”) has been actively enforcing the new regime and sending inquiries to transactions that may have failed to file.
The Kuwait CPA has receive.

What is the court system in Libya?

The Libyan court system consists of three levels:

  • the courts of first instance; the courts of appeals; and the Supreme Court
  • which is the final appellate level.
    Libya’s justice system has remained weak throughout the post-revolutionary period, and enforcement of laws remains a challenge for the GNA.
  • What is the investment law in Libya?

    The 2010 Investment Law provides investors the right to open an account in a convertible currency in a Libyan commercial bank and to obtain local and foreign financing.
    The Libyan Banking Law (Law No. 1 of 2005) allows any Libyan person or entity to retain foreign exchange and conduct exchanges in that currency.

    Competition law libya
    Competition law libya

    International border

    The Chad–Libya border is 1,050 km in length and runs from the tripoint with Niger in the west, to the tripoint with Sudan in the east.
    The Government of National Unity is a provisional government

    The Government of National Unity is a provisional government

    Provisional Government of Libya since March 2021

    The Government of National Unity is a provisional government for Libya formed on 10 March 2021 to unify the rival Government of National Accord based in Tripoli and the Second Al-Thani Cabinet, based in Tobruk.
    Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh is the Prime Minister of the unity government and was selected in the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum on 5 February 2021.
    It is de facto backed by the governments of Turkey, Qatar, Algeria, Pakistan and Palestine.
    Libya–Niger border

    Libya–Niger border

    International border

    The Libya–Niger border is 342 kilometres in length and runs from the tripoint with Algeria in the west to the tripoint with Chad in the east.
    From 1969 to early 2011

    From 1969 to early 2011

    From 1969 to early 2011, the politics of Libya were determined de facto by Muammar Gaddafi, who had been in power since his overthrow of the Kingdom of Libya in 1969.


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