Competition law goals

  • What are the aims of competition?

    Objectives of competition
    Three important points to keep in mind when thinking about the objectives of competition are: underlying variable of competition (price, quantity, quality etc.); aimed level of achievement; and competitive process that is at least partly determined by the strategic objectives of agents..

  • What are the goals of competition law?

    Most jurisdictions have embraced some form of the consumer welfare standard to achieve the basic goals of competition: to maintain and encourage the process of competition in order to promote efficient use of resources while protecting the freedom of economic action of various market participants..

  • What are the goals of competition law?

    These include efficiency, consumer welfare, and economic development.
    Other goals include fairness, privacy, and economic freedom..

  • What are the main goals of competition policy?

    Competition policy is about applying rules to make sure businesses and companies compete fairly with each other.
    This encourages enterprise and efficiency, creates a wider choice for consumers and helps reduce prices and improve quality..

  • What is the goal of competition law?

    The goal of ordoliberal competition policy is the preservation of a free society.
    This is to be achieved by the systematic elimination of private economic power concentrations and more specifically the establishment and enforcement of 'complete competition' (vollstandiger Wettbewerb)..

  • What is the goal of the competition policy?

    Competition policy is about applying rules to make sure businesses and companies compete fairly with each other.
    This encourages enterprise and efficiency, creates a wider choice for consumers and helps reduce prices and improve quality..

  • What is the goal of the competition?

    The goal of competition is to win, that is true.
    But winning is not the purpose of competing.
    The purpose of competing, the true reason why we compete is because competition brings out the very best in each other..

  • Although not completely uncontested, it is widely accepted that the ultimate goal of competition policy is economic efficiency and that the vehicle to be used by competition policy in pursuit of efficiency is competition in a free-market environment.
Some goals are social or political rather than economic. Most competition law regimes have featured goals such as fairness, equality of opportunity, and support for democracy at some point or points in their evolution. Prior to the 1970s US antitrust law often emphasized them.
Some goals are social or political rather than economic. Most competition law regimes have featured goals such as fairness, equality of opportunity, and support for democracy at some point or points in their evolution. Prior to the 1970s US antitrust law often emphasized them.
These include efficiency, consumer welfare, and economic development. Other goals include fairness, privacy, and economic freedom. This chapter identifies each of these goals, probes the reasons for them, traces relationships among them, and follows some of their consequences.

Economic and Non-Economic Goals of The Aml

Competition policy in many jurisdictions used to define their goals in a clear hierarchy.
During the early years of European integration after the Second World War, market integration clearly ranked higher than other considerations, such as the goal of protecting consumer welfare.
In Korea, after Jung Hee Park became president, it was declared that.

Industrial Policy

Since the beginning of the market reform, industrial policy has become an effective instrument in economic development.
The most commonly adopted tools are administrative interventionist mechanisms including provisions, guidelines, decisions, notices and replies on market entry, application and review systems on project, land, capital and other typ.

Is competition law a hybrid type of law?

Lianos argues that competition law is a hybrid type of law situated in between economic policy and social regulation. 46 He identifies a progression in the goals of EU competition law, from emphasis on market integration, to protecting smaller competitors, to protecting consumers.

Is competition law flexible?

As our research demonstrates, competition law has shown remarkable flexibility over the years, but also considerable resilience regarding goals.
That said, we also think it likely that new goals will enter the discourse and rise in prominence with time.

Is EU competition law relevant to other EU law policies?

Based on our findings, we think that EU competition law shows the likely relevance of broader goals for other EU law policies, not least state aid, the internal market, consumer protection, external trade, and the EU's current industrial policy of digital transformation and the European Green Deal.

Public Interests

Article 27 provides the six factors that are to be taken into account in merger review, and the third factor is the impact of concentration on market access and technological advancements, and the fifth factor is the impact of the concentration on national economic development.Footnote 51 Article 28 states two situations when a concentration can be.


Article 7 of the AML pays attention to the State-owned economy.
This article states that for State-controlled industries, which are crucial for the national economy and national security, as well as industries operating exclusive operations and sales, their lawful business will be protected by the State.Footnote 31 Moreover, their business operatio.

The Development of A Socialist Market Economy

Article 1 of the AML states that the law is to sustain a healthy development of a socialist market economy.
Article 4 states that competition rules will be applied in a way which fits into the socialist market economy.
The implementation of these rules must contribute to the establishment of a unified, open, competitive and well-ordered market syst.

What are the goals of competition law?

Goals of competition law have been evolving, shifting between non-economic concerns and economic ones, and economic considerations are consequently subject to interpretation on key terms oftotal welfare, consumer welfare, consumer choice, efficiency, and distribution issues.


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