Compiler construction program

High-Level Programming Language

A high-level programming languageis a language that has an abstraction of attributes of the computer.
High-level programming is more convenient to the user in writing a program.

Operations of Compiler

These are some operations that are done by the compiler.
1) It breaks source programs into smaller parts.
2) It enables the creation of symbol tables and intermediate representations.
3) It helps in code compilation and error detection. 4. it saves all codes and variables.
5) It analyses the full program and translates it.
6) Convert source code to.

What are the stages of compiler design?

It involves many stages like lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, optimization, etc.
The Key objective of compiler design is to automate the translation process, the correctness of output, and reporting errors in source code.
The compiler is used by programming languages such as:

  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • etc.
  • What does a compiler do?

    Courses A compileris software that translates or converts a program written in a high-level language (Source Language) into a low-level language (Machine Language).
    Compiler design is the process of developing a program or software that converts human-written code into machine code.


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