Compiler construction using scheme

How does a compiler work?

The compiler starts smalland is well focused on translating the source language to assembly,and every incremental step reinforces that focus.
The interface to the compiler is defined by one Scheme procedure,compile-program, that takes as input an s-expression represent-ing a Scheme program.

How to build a COM-piler for a large subset of scheme?

In this paper, we showed that constructing a com-piler for a large subset of Scheme that targets a real hardware issimple.
The basic compiler is achieved by concentrating on the es-sential aspects of compilation and freeing the compiler from so-phisticated analysis and optimization passes.

Why do we define a compiler as a scheme procedure?

Defining the compiler as a Scheme procedure allows us to de-velop and debug the compiler interactively by inspecting the outputassembly code.
It also allows us to utilize an automated testing fa-cility.
There are two core components of the testing infrastructure:the test-cases and the test-driver.

Compiler construction using scheme
Compiler construction using scheme
Ikarus Scheme is a free software optimizing incremental compiler for R6RS Scheme that compiles directly to the x86 IA-32 architecture.
Ikarus is the first public implementation of a large part of the R6RS Scheme standard.
Version 0.0.3 has 94% of the total R6RS forms and procedures.
Development stopped in 2008.


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