How long does it take to write a compiler

How long does it take to compile a file?

Compile time dropped from 3 hours to 7 minutes.
Well, file access sure has a hand in this but as jalf said, the main reason for this will be something else, namely the repeated parsing of many, many, many (nested!) header files that completely drops out in your case.

How long does it take to learn a compiler?

Generally speaking, there's no five minutes tutorial for compilers, because it's a complicated topic and writing a compiler can take months.
You will have to do your own search.
Python and Ruby are usually interpreted.
Perhaps you want to start with an interpreter as well.
It's generally easier.

Is it OK to write a compiler in different languages?

It's also OK to write different stages of a compiler in different languages, if needed.
Your entire language should be covered by test cases; effectively it will be defined by them.
Get well-acquainted with your preferred testing framework.
Write tests from day one.

Write once, compile anywhere (WOCA) is a philosophy taken by a compiler and its associated software libraries or by a software library/software framework which refers to a capability of writing a computer program that can be compiled on all platforms without the need to modify its source code.
As opposed to Sun's write once, run anywhere slogan, cross-platform compatibility is implemented only at the source code level, rather than also at the compiled binary code level.


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