Compile or compiled

How long did it take to compile a dictionary?

It took years to compile the dictionary.
They have compiled a directory of services for children.
She compiled a list of all the wine producers in the region.
In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives.
Some of these examples may show the adjective use.

Is the phrase at compile time grammatical?

Yes, the phrase at compile time is absolutely grammatical.
If something happens at compile time, it happens during the compilation process.
It's actually a fixed expression and that at is very important because it's part of the expression.

What do you say when a program is still compiling?

The activity is spoken of usually only in terms of 'to compile'.
You could say 'my program is still compiling'. 'It's still compiling'.
You wouldn't say 'my compilation has finished' though.
You'd probably say 'my compile has finished'.

What does 'compile-time' mean?

'Compile-time' is the time at which this happens.
It should or could be hyphenated.
Compiling time and compilation time are not used in this special context, as another answerer has explained.
The activity is spoken of usually only in terms of 'to compile'.
You could say 'my program is still compiling'. 'It's still compiling'.

Japanese video game developer

Compile Corporation> was a Japanese video game developer, most notable for having developed the Puyo Puyo series, a franchise derived from the Madō Monogatari series.
On 6 November 2003, the company shut down amid bankruptcy.
As a result, key staff moved to Compile Heart, the company's spiritual successor, whereas shoot-'em-up staff moved to MileStone Inc.

Program compiler for Java programming language

A Java compiler is a compiler for the Java programming language.
Pugs is a compiler and interpreter for the Raku programming language, started on February 1, 2005, by Audrey Tang.
shc is a shell script compiler for Unix-like operating systems written in the C programming language.
The Shell Script Compiler (SHC) encodes and encrypts shell scripts into executable binaries.
Compiling shell scripts into binaries provides protection against accidental changes and source code modification, and is a way of hiding shell script source code.


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