Compile example sentence

How are conditional probabilities compiled?

The conditional probabilities are compiled by counting frequencies of distances between pairs of atom types in a database of protein structures.
Others stemmed from the purposes for which the statistics were compiled.
Unlike the ballad, which typically compiles from the urban landscape, the epigram selects and articulates its elements.

How can a parser be compiled?

A parser for the language can be compiled from the following simple regular expression.
The basic tokenizer is compiled as described in the previous section.
Each value was compiled from a minimum of six fields per mouse and the number of mice used for each data point is indicated.

What does compile mean?

verb (used with object),com·piled, com·pil·ing. to put together (documents, selections, or other materials) in one book or work. to make (a book, writing, or the like) of materials from various sources:

  • to compile an anthology of plays; to compile a graph showing changes in profit. to gather together:to compile data.
  • What is the difference between a compiled code sequence and a let expression?

    A code sequence is compiled for each function (supercombinator).
    The present facilities for compiling code provide little improvement over interpreted code at the cost of huge compilation times.
    A let expression is compiled to more efficient code than a function application.


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