Compilers marathon

Compilers - The Compilers are the first encountered and most frequently seen S'pht, appearing from the very first level of Marathon. They are usually seen around terminals.
The S'pht Compilers are the most common kind of S'pht found in the Marathon Universe and are the first encountered, appearing in the opening level of Marathon, "Arrival".
The Detroit Free Press Marathon is a 42.195-kilometre (26.219 mi) race run every third Sunday in October in Detroit, Michigan, United States and Windsor, Ontario, Canada since 1978.
Major General Stan Connelly and Jerry Coyle organized the first international marathon.
MaryJane Hatton, recorded the times as the runners crossed the finish line.
After each marathon Stan Connelly and his daughter MaryJane Hatton would compile a booklet entitled, “We’re All Winners” of every runner and their times.
The marathon course is international and has featured the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel for all but two years of its existence.
The current course crosses the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel between Detroit and Windsor.
Due to its use of the tunnel, the race is able to boast that it has the only official underwater international mile in the world, as the tunnel runs underneath the Detroit River.
The race is a USATF-certified, Boston-qualifier course.
Compilers marathon
Compilers marathon

Type of aircraft

The Handley Page (Reading) H.P.R.1 Marathon was a British four-engined civil transport aircraft, capable of seating up to 20 passengers.
It was designed by Miles Aircraft Limited and largely manufactured by Handley Page (Reading) Limited at Woodley Aerodrome, Reading, England.
A marathon is an event in which viewers or readers engage many hours' worth of media in a condensed time period.
This phrase represents a two-fold shift from binge-watch in that it incorporates other media and it reduces the negative connotations associated with bingeing.
In the 2014 book Media Marathoning: Immersions in Morality, Lisa Perks describes media marathoning as a comprehensive and complimentary phrase that connotes a conjoined triumph of commitment and stamina.
This phrase also captures viewers' or readers' engrossment, effort, and sense of accomplishment surrounding their media interaction. Netflix executive Todd Yellin is quoted as saying I don't like the term 'binge,' because it sounds almost pathological. 'Marathon' sounds more celebratory.

Cheating at a marathon race

Marathon course-cutting occurs when runners complete less than an entire course of a marathon before going over the finish line.
The standard length of a marathon course is 42.195 kilometers, about 26.2 miles.
Course-cutting may be intentional or unintentional and can be achieved by various means: when done intentionally, course-cutting constitutes cheating.
The following table shows the yearly rankings in the marathon since 1921 (men) and 1970 (women), based on the best performance in the classic distance race of 42.195 km.
A Messier marathon is an attempt

A Messier marathon is an attempt

Astronomy competition

A Messier marathon is an attempt, usually organized by amateur astronomers, to find as many Messier objects as possible during one night.
The Messier catalogue was compiled by French astronomer Charles Messier during the late 18th century and consists of 110 relatively bright deep-sky objects.

The following tables are an overview of all current national records in the marathon, as compiled by the International Association of Athletics Federations and other authoritative sources of road racing statistics.

Annual race in the United States held since 1994

The Walt Disney World Marathon is an annual marathon held every January in Orlando, Florida by runDisney.
The race has been held since 1994.
The marathon is part of a weekend race series that also includes a 5K, a 10K, and a half marathon, as well as a number of challenges involving one or more of these races.
Washington's Birthday Marathon is an annual marathon in the United States that has been held nearly every February since 1962.


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