Compiler date

  • How do I find compilation time?

    The time you measure in the code is the CPU time of the running code.
    No statements you write will ever be able to measure compile-time, as they are not executed when compiling.
    It always give you runtime clock.
    You should give a try on std::clock which is more reliable..

  • How to calculate compile-time?

    To use C++ templates for compile-time calculations, we can define a template class or function that takes one or more arguments and performs the calculation.
    The result of the calculation is then used as a template parameter, which can be used in other parts of the program..

  • What is the compiled date?

    Definition: The date on which the compilation of the data was completed..

  • What is the difference between running and compiling?

    Compiling is the process of transforming C language source code into executable code.
    Running is the process of executing the executable code.
    Compilation needs to be done only once to produce the executable code.
    The executable code thus produced can then be run multiple times..

  • What is the __ date __ and __ time __ macro?

    __DATE__ is a preprocessor macro that expands to the current date (at compile time) in the form mmm dd yyyy (e.g. "Jan 14 2012"), as a string.
    The __DATE__ macro can be used to provide information about the particular moment a binary was built.
    The __TIME__ macro gets the current time of the build..

  • Compile time is the period when the programming code (such as C#, Java, C, Python) is converted to the machine code (i.e. binary code).
    Runtime is the period of time when a program is running and generally occurs after compile time.
  • __TIMESTAMP__ is a preprocessor macro that expands to current time (at compile time) in the form Ddd Mmm Date hh::mm::ss yyyy, where the time is in 24 hour time, Ddd is the abbreviated day, Mmm is the abbreviated month, Date is the current day of the month (1-31), and yyyy is the four digit year.
Apr 1, 2015C++ specifies that there's a special preprocessor macro called __DATE__ that is a string literal of when the compilation happened.Compile date and time - java - Stack Overflowgetting compile-time date and time without macros - Stack OverflowCompile date and time using cmake - c++ - Stack OverflowIs it possible to get the time (of the day) and date at - Stack OverflowMore results from
Dec 16, 2009A compile-time constraint implies that the timestamp must be embedded within a Java source file, not stored in an external text file.getting compile-time date and time without macrosCompile date and time using cmake - c++Is it possible to get the time (of the day) and date at Java Compilation date, like C __DATE__More results from
Dec 16, 2009Sets the DSTAMP, TSTAMP, and TODAY properties in the current project. By default, the DSTAMP property is in the format "yyyyMMdd", TSTAMP is in  getting compile-time date and time without macros - Stack OverflowCompile date and time using cmake - c++ - Stack OverflowIs it possible to get the time (of the day) and date at - Stack OverflowHow can I find out the date of when my source code was compiled?More results from
The following examples show you how the combinations in which the *DATETIME option of the CVTOPT parameter can be specified with the *DATE option of the CVTOPT 


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