Combine key points

  • Keypoint matching is a classical technique in computer vision used to identify and match an object that exists in two images (if it has a similar enough of appearance in both images).
    Keypoint matching can work even if the object has undergone changes in translation, rotation, scaling, illumination, and/or perspective.
Successful matching of keypoints generally relies on two factors: the repeatability of keypoints between two images, and the matching performance of descriptors 
Combine key points
Combine key points

Compositing technique, also known as green screen

Chroma key compositing, or chroma keying, is a visual-effects and post-production technique for compositing (layering) two or more images or video streams together based on colour hues.
The technique has been used in many fields to remove a background from the subject of a photo or video – particularly the newscasting, motion picture, and video game industries.
A colour range in the foreground footage is made transparent, allowing separately filmed background footage or a static image to be inserted into the scene.
The chroma keying technique is commonly used in video production and post-production.
This technique is also referred to as colour keying, colour-separation overlay, or by various terms for specific colour-related variants such as green screen or blue screen; chroma keying can be done with backgrounds of any colour that are uniform and distinct, but green and blue backgrounds are more commonly used because they differ most distinctly in hue from any human skin colour.
No part of the subject being filmed or photographed may duplicate the colour used as the backing, or the part may be erroneously identified as part of the backing.

Internet protocol

In computing, Internet Key Exchange is the protocol used to set up a security association (SA) in the IPsec protocol suite.
IKE builds upon the Oakley protocol and ISAKMP.
IKE uses X.509 certificates for authentication ‒ either pre-shared or distributed using DNS ‒ and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange to set up a shared session secret from which cryptographic keys are derived.
In addition, a security policy for every peer which will connect must be manually maintained.
In cryptography, a related-key attack is any form of cryptanalysis where the attacker can observe the operation of a cipher under several different keys whose values are initially unknown, but where some mathematical relationship connecting the keys is known to the attacker.
For example, the attacker might know that the last 80 bits of the keys are always the same, even though they don't know, at first, what the bits are.
This appears, at first glance, to be an unrealistic model; it would certainly be unlikely that an attacker could persuade a human cryptographer to encrypt plaintexts under numerous secret keys related in some way.


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