Compilers in swahili

  • Is Swahili an original African language?

    With more than 200 million speakers, Swahili, which originated in East Africa, is one of the world's 10 most widely spoken languages and, as Priya Sippy writes, there is a renewed push for it to become the continent's lingua franca..

  • Is Swahili related to Arabic?

    Swahili has been greatly influenced by Arabic; there are an enormous number of Arabic loanwords in the language, including the word swahili, from Arabic sawāḥilī (a plural adjectival form of an Arabic word meaning “of the coast”)..

  • What does Jamba mean in Swahili?

    “Jamba” means to celebrate in Swahili.
    What achievements will you “Jamba” this weekend?.

  • What is application in Swahili?

    "application" in Swahili
    volume_up. application {noun} SW. maombi..

  • What is chapter in Swahili?

    What is the translation of "chapter" in Swahili? en. chapter = sura..

  • What is list in Swahili?

    Swahili Translation. orodha.
    More Swahili words for list. orodha noun. register..

  • What is software in kiswahili?

    Swahili Translation. programu..

  • Why is Swahili so popular?

    It enabled freedom fighters throughout the region to communicate their common aspirations even though their native languages varied widely.
    The rise of Swahili, for some Africans, was a mark of true cultural and personal independence from the colonising Europeans and their languages of control and command..

  • Origin.
    The core of the Swahili language originates in Bantu languages of the coast of East Africa.
    Much of Swahili's Bantu vocabulary has cognates in the Pokomo, Taita, and Mijikenda languages and, to a lesser extent, other East African Bantu languages.
  • Swahili Translation. programu.
  • What is the translation of "chapter" in Swahili? en. chapter = sura.
  • What is the translation of "method" in Swahili? en. method = mbinu.
mtengenezaji, mtengezaji ndizo tafsiri kuu za "compiler" hadi Kiswahili. Sampuli ya sentensi iliyotafsiriwa: • What record have missionaries and others serving 


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