Silicon compilers

  • What is silicon compilation?

    Silicon compilation is the process of converting from a hardware description language (such as Verilog or VHDL) directly to placed and routed silicon.
    Electric has two ways of accomplishing this task..

  • Hardware compilers produce a hardware implementa- tion from some specification of the hardware.
    There are, however, a number of types of hardware com- pilers which start from different sources and compile into different targets.
Silicon compilation takes place in three major steps:
  • Use high level C to HDL converter.
  • Convert a hardware-description language such as Verilog or VHDL into logic (typically in the form of a "netlist").
  • Place equivalent logic gates on the IC.
  • Routing the standard cells together to form the desired logic.
A silicon compiler is a software system which can automatically generate an integrated circuit from a user's specification.
A silicon compiler is an electronic design automation software tool that is used for high-level synthesis of integrated circuits.
With the help of silicon compilers, IC designers can quickly and easily create and test new IC designs, which helps to speed up the development and introduction of new electronic devices.

Can a compiler compile itself?

A compiler cannot compile itself! The first edition of a compiler can't be machine-generated from a programming language specific to it; your confusion is understandable

A later version of the compiler with more language features (with source rewritten in the first version of the new language) could be built by the first compiler

What is a silicon compiler?

A silicon compiler is an electronic design automation software tool that is used for high-level synthesis of integrated circuits

What is siliconcompiler?

SiliconCompiler is a modular hardware build system ("make for silicon")

The project philosophy is to "make the complex possible while keeping the simple simple"

An easy to use Python API

A standardized JSON schema for job/metric tracking

A runtime engine with support for local and remote compilation


Compiler size
Compiler simulink
Compiler simd
Compiler side effects
Silicon compilers inc
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Compile time
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