Complex analysis course outline

  • What are the objectives of complex integration?

    The objectives are to: Investigations of theorems in Complex Integrals to include Cauchy theorem, Gauss, mean value theorem, Liouville's theorem, Maximum Modulus theorem and Blasius Theorems.
    Examinations of some application of Complex Integral..

  • Course Description: Complex Variables.
    Description: The course covers the basic principles (both theory and applications) of differentiable complex-valued functions of a single complex variable.
Course Learning Outcomes. 1. Demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts underlying complex analyis. 2. Demonstrate familiarity with a range of examples of 

What is a complex analysis course?

Course outline

The course is a rigorous introduction to Complex Analysis, one of the most exciting fields of modern Mathematics

We will begin with a review of Complex numbers and their Geometric and Algebraic properties

What topics will be covered in a complex math class?

We will also cover complex numbers and their properties, analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations, the logarithm and other elementary functions of a complex variable, integration of complex functions, the Cauchy integral theorem, the residue theorem, and applications to definite integrals


Complex analysis course description
Complex analysis course outcomes
Complex analysis course mit
Complex analysis lessons
Functional analysis vs complex analysis
Why do we study complex analysis
Complex data analysis examples
Complex mesh analysis examples
Complex sentence analysis examples
Complex analysis integral examples
Complex analysis limits examples
Complex analysis mapping examples
Complex analysis contour integration examples pdf
Difference between complex analysis and real analysis
Complex analysis study guide
Complex analysis study book
Complex analysis self study
Complex analysis case study
Is complex analysis useful
Clause complex analysis example