Complex analysis of multiple variables

  • , that is, n-tuples of complex numbers.
    The name of the field dealing with the properties of these functions is called several complex variables (and analytic space), which the Mathematics Subject Classification has as a top-level heading.
  • What is a holomorphic function of several complex variables?

    In mathematics, a holomorphic function is a complex-valued function of one or more complex variables that is complex differentiable in a neighbourhood of each point in a domain in complex coordinate space Cn..

  • In complex analysis, the open mapping theorem states that if U is a domain of the complex plane C and f : U → C is a non-constant holomorphic function, then f is an open map (i.e. it sends open subsets of U to open subsets of C, and we have invariance of domain.).
1. to show that part of complex analysis in several variables can be obtained from the one- dimensional theory essentially by replacing indices with multi- 
In mathematics and physics, multiple-scale analysis comprises techniques used to construct uniformly valid approximations to the solutions of perturbation problems, both for small as well as large values of the independent variables.
This is done by introducing fast-scale and slow-scale variables for an independent variable, and subsequently treating these variables, fast and slow, as if they are independent.
In the solution process of the perturbation problem thereafter, the resulting additional freedom – introduced by the new independent variables – is used to remove (unwanted) secular terms.
The latter puts constraints on the approximate solution, which are called solvability conditions.


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