Complexity theory definition

  • What is the basis of the complexity theory?

    The basic tenets of complexity theory are non-linear dynamics, chaos theory, and adaptation/evolution [15]; others include emergence, self-organization, feedback, and chaos [21].
    Complexity theory views systems as being non-linear, thus future states are unpredictable..

  • What is the complexity theory in simple terms?

    Complexity theory emphasizes interactions and the accompanying feedback loops that constantly change systems.
    While it proposes that systems are unpredictable, they are also constrained by order-generating rules.
    Complexity theory has been used in the fields of strategic management and organizational studies..

  • What is the definition of complexity theory?

    noun. the study of complex and chaotic systems and how order, pattern, and structure can arise from them. the theory that processes having a large number of seemingly independent agents can spontaneously order themselves into a coherent system..


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