What is complex questions

  • What is a complex question example?

    The argument takes the form of a question - often a rhetorical question.
    Answering the question, however, is impossible, unless something is taken for granted that still ought to be regarded as doubtful or open to further discussion.
    Examples: "Have you stopped beating your wife?" [This is the classic example.].

  • What is a complex question?

    Complex Question: a question that, by the way it is worded, assumes something not contextually granted, assumes something not true, or assumes something not given in evidence.
    The fallacy of complex question occurs when the question is part of an argument..

  • What is an example of a complex question in philosophy?

    The classic question, “Have you stopped beating your wife?” is a complex question, but would not be fallacious per se unless explicitly or implicitly the speaker is assuming without evidence that the respondent does beat his wife, and this is the very point he wishes to draw as a conclusion..

  • What is an example of a complex question or loaded question?

    For example, a loaded question might be, "Do you agree that our company's product is the best on the market?" This question is loaded because it assumes that the company's product is the best, and it can be difficult for the respondent to provide an honest answer if they don't agree with the premise of the question..

  • What is considered a complex question?

    Semantically, a complex question is composed of a single interrogative sentence that contains at least two separate questions with a single answer ostensibly being mandated.
    A posed complex question presupposes an unwarranted and objectionable statement A..

  • What is the difference between a complex question and a loaded question?

    When a presupposition includes an admission of wrongdoing, it is called a "loaded question" and is a form of entrapment in legal trials or debates.
    The presupposition is called "complex" if it is a conjunctive proposition, a disjunctive proposition, or a conditional proposition..

  • What is the difference between a simple question and a complex question?

    Simple questions require small snippets of text as the answers whereas complex questions require inferencing and synthesizing information from multiple documents to have multiple sentences as the answers..

  • What is the informal fallacy of complex question?

    Complex Question.
    The fallacy of complex question is committed by the speaker when he poses a bad, or misleading, question to his opponent and then makes an illicit inference from his opponent's answer..

  • What is the literary definition of complex question?

    Complex Question.
    Description: The argument takes the form of a question - often a rhetorical question.
    Answering the question, however, is impossible, unless something is taken for granted that still ought to be regarded as doubtful or open to further discussion..

  • What is the meaning of complex questions?

    A complex question, trick question, multiple question, fallacy of presupposition, or plurium interrogationum (Latin, 'of many questions') is a question that has a complex presupposition.
    The presupposition is a proposition that is presumed to be acceptable to the respondent when the question is asked..

  • Complex Question.
    The fallacy of complex question is committed by the speaker when he poses a bad, or misleading, question to his opponent and then makes an illicit inference from his opponent's answer.
  • The fallacy of the single cause, also known as complex cause, causal oversimplification, causal reductionism, and reduction fallacy, is an informal fallacy of questionable cause that occurs when it is assumed that there is a single, simple cause of an outcome when in reality it may have been caused by a number of only
A complex question qualifies as an argument - and therefore as a fallacious argument - only because some conclusion is drawn from the opponent's inability to answer the question. In most cases this conclusion is left unstated (except, perhaps, in the minds of listeners).
A complex question is a fallacy in which the answer to a given question presupposes a prior answer to a prior question. Also known as (or closely related to) a loaded question, a trick question, a leading question, the fallacy of the false question, and the fallacy of many questions.
A complex question, trick question, multiple question, fallacy of presupposition, or plurium interrogationum is a question that has a complex presupposition. The presupposition is a proposition that is presumed to be acceptable to the respondent Wikipedia
Semantically, a complex question is composed of a single interrogative sentence that contains at least two separate questions with a single answer ostensibly being mandated. A posed complex question presupposes an unwarranted and objectionable statement A.


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