Complexity approach to speech therapy

  • What are treatment approaches in speech therapy?

    Historically, treatments that focus on motor production of speech sounds are called articulation approaches; treatments that focus on the linguistic aspects of speech production are called phonological/language-based approaches..

  • Historically, treatments that focus on motor production of speech sounds are called articulation approaches; treatments that focus on the linguistic aspects of speech production are called phonological/language-based approaches.
  • Some research suggests selecting, as treatment targets,later developing sounds and clusters, as training them will result in greater system-wide change (Gierut, Morrisette, Hughes & Rowland, 1996).
Children who benefit from this approach start from a long way behind most other children the same age. The goal of the Complexity Approach is to produce “system wide change” to children's speech to make them easier to understand and to close the gap with typically developing children as quickly as possible.
The goal of the Complexity Approach is to produce “system wide change” to children's speech to make them easier to understand and to close the gap with typically developing children as quickly as possible.

What is a complexity approach?

Within a complexity approach, targets are selected for treatment based on characteristics of the targets (e


, developmental norms, implicational universals) and characteristics of children's knowledge of the targets (e

g , accuracy, stimulability)

What is the complexity approach for speech/articulation therapy?

The complexity approach for speech/articulation therapy is a relatively new treatment approach for articulation disorders

I will review what it is all about, provide resources on where to get more information, and share all the new materials you can use to get started here! Who created it?

What is the complexity approach to phonology treatment planning?

In addition, the complexity approach requires a detailed analysis of phonology to guide treatment planning, which may seem challenging to clinicians with high caseloads, but with appropriate support, the planning process can be streamlined


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