Observation complexity theory

$26.00Observing Complexity brings the major concepts and foremost thinkers of systems theory into interaction with the major figures of postmodern theory. The format 
Sep 7, 2023When we leverage our collective observational skills, we can unleash our inherent creativity and realize different ways to do things. Complexity 
The originary moment for the creation of a system, according to Niklas Luhmann, comes when an observer makes a cut (“Cognitive Program”). Before the cut—before 
Waterbed theory is the observation, ascribed to Larry Wall, that some systems, such as human and computer languages, contain a minimum amount of complexity, and that attempting to push down the complexity of such a system in one place will invariably cause complexity to pop up elsewhere.
This behavior is likened to a waterbed mattress which contains a certain amount of water; it is possible to push down the mattress in one place, but the displaced water will always cause the mattress to rise elsewhere, because water does not compress.
It is impossible to push down the waterbed everywhere at once, because the volume of the water remains a constant.


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