Geometric complexity theory

Geometric complexity theory is an approach towards proving lower bounds in algebraic complexity theory via methods from algebraic geometry and representation theory. It was introduced by Mulmuley and Sohoni and has gained significant momentum over the last few years.
Geometric complexity theory is an ambitious program initiated in 2001 by Mulmuley and Sohoni towards solving the famous P vs NP problem. The idea is to use algebraic geometry and representation theory to prove complexity lower bounds for explicit problems.


Geometric complexity theory iv
Complexity theory in health promotion
Complexity leadership theory organizations
Complexity legal theory
Computational complexity theory meaning
Complexity theory social media
Meta complexity theory
Media complexity theory
Metaphor complexity theory
Medical complexity theory
Complexity theory nedir
Complexity theory and networks
Complexity in governance network theory
Pengertian complexity theory
Complexity theory second language acquisition
Complexity theory seth
Self complexity theory
Chaos/complexity theory for second language acquisition/development
Separation complexity theory
Computational complexity theory techniques and applications