Computational complexity theory techniques and applications

  • What is the application of computational complexity?

    This may also be used for tuning complex algorithms without testing all variants.
    By determining the most costly steps of a complex algorithm, the study of complexity allows also focusing on these steps the effort for improving the efficiency of an implementation..

  • Why is computational complexity important for algorithm development?

    Computer scientists use mathematical measures of complexity that allow them to predict, before writing the code, how fast an algorithm will run and how much memory it will require.
    Such predictions are important guides for programmers implementing and selecting algorithms for real-world applications..

$1,500.00 In stockThis comprehensive and authoritative reference examines key components of computational complexity, including cellular automata, graph theory, data mining,  Table of contentsAbout this bookKeywords
Computational Complexity: Theory, Techniques and Applications presents a detailed and integrated view of the theoretical basis, computational methods, and state-of-the-art approaches to investigating and modeling of inherently difficult problems whose solution requires extensive resources approaching the practical


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