Local complexity theory

  • What is the complexity theory of the community?

    Complex interactions: The community system is influenced by unpredictable factors.
    It is difficult to attribute output to input.
    The planning, control and assessment processes become increasingly complex and are often not relevant..

  • Complex interactions: The community system is influenced by unpredictable factors.
    It is difficult to attribute output to input.
    The planning, control and assessment processes become increasingly complex and are often not relevant.
A central theme in distributed network algorithms concerns understanding and coping with the issue of locality. Yet despite considerable progress, 
The main principle in a complex environment is that we cannot use the past to predict what will happen because our behavior shapes the environment. (And our 
This article seeks to provide a brief overview of the development of complexity theory in public sector management. The article starts by reviewing the 
Hamiltonian complexity or quantum Hamiltonian complexity is a topic which deals with problems in quantum complexity theory and condensed matter physics.
It mostly studies constraint satisfaction problems related to ground states of local Hamiltonians; that is, Hermitian matrices that act locally on a system of interest.
The constraint satisfaction problems in quantum Hamiltonian complexity have led to the quantum version of the Cook–Levin theorem.
Quantum Hamiltonian complexity has helped physicists understand the difficulty of simulating physical systems.


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