Computational statistics lab manual

  • What is the use of statistics in laboratory?

    In an analytical work, the most important operation is the comparison of data, to quantify accuracy and precision and to generate meaningful explanation for clinician and patients queries.
    Most of the information needed in the regular laboratory work can be obtained with the use of simple convenient statistical tools..

  • They make it easy to sort and filter data, perform calculations, and merge multiple datasets.
    Data analysis: Computers can perform various statistical analyses, such as hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and ANOVA, to uncover relationships and patterns in data.
Apr 6, 2022This course is designed as a Computational Statistics Laboratory (CSL) comprised of 29 experiments selected from the Statistical Courses in 
A Practical Guide to Splines. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. Friedman, J. H. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines (with discussion). Annals of 


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