Computational geometry book pdf

What is computational geometry?

Covers concepts and techniquesto be presented in any course on computational geometry Computational geometry emerged from the ?eld of algorithms design and analysis in the late 1970s

It has grown into a recognized discipline with its own journals, conferences, and a large community of active researchers

Who wrote discrete & computational geometry?

Edelsbrunner H, Guibas L and Sharir M (1990)

The complexity and construction of many faces in arrangements of lines and of segments, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 5:2, (161-196), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1990

Dobkin D, Friedman S and Supowit K (1990)

Why did we choose the applications in computational geometry?

The choice of the applications was guided by the topics in computational geometry we wanted to cover; they are not meant to provide a good coverage of the application domains

The purpose of the applications is to motivate the reader; the goal of the chapters is not to provide ready-to-use solutions for them


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