Geometry of computational complexity

  • Description: The main aim of geometric group theory is to understand an infinite group by studying geometric objects on which the group acts.
    This fascinating subject ties together areas of geometry/topology, probability theory, complex analysis, combinatorics and representation theory.
The computational complexity of a quantum state quantifies how hard it is to make. `Complexity geometry', first proposed by Nielsen, is an approach to defining computational complexity using the tools of differential geometry.


Computational geometry problems
Computational geometry phd
Computational geometry projects
Computational geometry python libraries
Computational geometry problems and solutions
Computational geometry ppt
Computational geometry preparata
Computational geometry physics
Computational geometry properties
Computational geometry practical applications
Computational geometry questions
Qhull computational geometry
Computational geometry research
Computational geometry rpi
Computational geometry research area
Computational geometry in rust
Computational geometry surface reconstruction
Computational geometry with the rotating calipers
Computational geometry an introduction through randomized algorithms
Rutgers computational geometry