Computational geometry in gis

  • What is geometry for GIS?

    In GIS applications, vector geometry is used to represent the spatial component of geographic features with discrete boundaries such as wells, rivers, states, streets, and parcels.
    The ArcSDE geometric model is centered around operations on various types of geometric shapes, also called feature classes..

  • Computational geometry is the study of efficient ways to represent and manipulate geometry within the computer.
    Typical problems include testing whether two objects collide, deciding how to break up a polygon into triangles, and finding the nearest point in a group to a given location.


Python computational geometry library
Computational geometry and applications
What is mathematics computation
Computational and geometry
Concours math medecine
Mathematica computational geometry
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Journal of computational geometry
Computational geometry auf deutsch
Depth computational geometry
Computational geometry in deutsch
Python computational geometry
Geometry theorem examples
Geometrical figure example
Typical geometry problems
Circle computational geometry
Compute geometry circle
Discrete & computational geometry scimago
Digital computational geometry
Computational geometry postdocs