Mathematica computational geometry

  • Does Wolfram Alpha do geometry?

    WolframAlpha has the ability to analyze and compute with geometric figures of different dimensions, including polygons and polyhedra..

  • What are the advantages of Wolfram Mathematica?

    Versatility: Users have appreciated the versatility of Wolfram Mathematica, with multiple reviewers mentioning its support for various programmatic paradigms such as pure functions, procedural programming, list processing, and even object-oriented programming with a bit of setup..

  • What can Mathematica do for you in the field of mathematics?

    Mathematica allows for automation in algorithmic computation, interactive manipulation, and dynamic presentation, as well as allowing for interacting with the world of data..

  • What is Mathematica based on?

    It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois.
    The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica..

  • What is Mathematica coded in?

    It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois.
    The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica..

  • What is the concept of Mathematica?

    Wolfram Mathematica is a software system with built-in libraries for several areas of technical computing that allow machine learning, statistics, symbolic computation, data manipulation, network analysis, time series analysis, NLP, optimization, plotting functions and various types of data, implementation of .

  • What language is Mathematica coded in?

    The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica..

  • Where is Wolfram Mathematica used?

    Mathematica is a symbolic mathematical computation program, sometimes called a computer algebra program, used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields.
    It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois..

  • Why is Mathematica useful?

    Mathematica is a mathematical computation program used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields.
    Unlike other systems, Mathematica applies intelligent automation in every part of the system, from algorithm selection to plot layout and user interface design..

  • Why use Wolfram Mathematica?

    Mathematica does everything in a single workflow, keeping all elements of a project—calculations, visualizations, data, documentation and even interactive applications—together, in uniquely flexible documents.
    Wolfram Notebooks consolidate your calculations, interactive visualizations, data, text and more..

  • It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois.
    The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica.
  • Mathematica allows for automation in algorithmic computation, interactive manipulation, and dynamic presentation, as well as allowing for interacting with the world of data.
  • Mathematica is also integrated with Wolfram Alpha, an online answer engine that provides additional data, some of which is kept updated in real time, for users who use Mathematica with an internet connection.
  • Mathematica is one of the most sophisticated technical computing software packages available.
    It is capable of doing exact mathematical calculations, from basic College Algebra to elaborate Quantum Field Theory calculations.
  • Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, WolframAlpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; the originator of the Wolfram Physics Project; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research.
Computational Geometry ; Nearest — find nearest points in any number of dimensions with any metric ; NearestFunction — a function created to repeatedly find 
Computational geometry is the study of efficient algorithms for solving geometric problems. The nearest neighbor problem involves identifying one point, out of a set of points, that is nearest to the query point according to some measure of distance.
The Wolfram Language's strengths in algebraic computation and graphics as well as numerics combine to bring unprecedented flexibility and power to geometric 


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