Computational methods module

Module description. The module will provide the students with an understanding of the foundation, application and implementation of a suite of numerical tools 
Module description. The module will provide the students with an understanding of the foundation, application and implementation of a suite of numerical 
Computational magnetohydrodynamics (CMHD) is a rapidly developing branch of magnetohydrodynamics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve electrically conducting fluids.
Most of the methods used in CMHD are borrowed from the well established techniques employed in Computational fluid dynamics.
The complexity mainly arises due to the presence of a magnetic field and its coupling with the fluid.
One of the important issues is to numerically maintain the mwe-math-element> (conservation of magnetic flux) condition, from Maxwell's equations, to avoid the presence of unrealistic effects, namely magnetic monopoles, in the solutions.


Computational methods and modelling
Computational method for molecules
Computational methods in pricing and model calibration
Modern computational methods
Nonlinear computational methods
Non computational methods
Computational methods for rotor dynamics simulation
Computational techniques solutions
Computational methods in solid state physics
Advanced computational methods soton
Computer sorting methods
Sophisticated computational methods
Method of computation
Computational molecular biology brown
Computational molecular biology journal
Computational molecular biology pavel a. pevzner
Cmb computational molecular biology
Research in computational molecular biology
Introduction to computational molecular biology pdf
Handbook of computational molecular biology