Computational physics using c++

  • Do physicists use C++?

    The C++ language is introduced through a series of example programs rel- evant to high energy physicists.
    The course introduces basic syntax, object orientated programming, the Standard Template Library, interfacing with FORTRAN and high energy packages HepMC, HepPDT, and ROOT..

  • Here are some interesting areas where C++ is popularly used.

    Operating Systems.
    C++ is a fast and strongly-typed programming language which makes it an ideal choice for developing operating systems. Games. GUI Based Applications. Web Browsers. Embedded Systems. Banking Applications. Compilers. Database Management Software.
  • FORTRAN, because it is still widely used by physicists, has the best math and physics libraries for advanced algorithms and formula, and because FORTRAN compilers are highly optimized for high speed on the worlds fastest supercomputers.
  • Python.
    Python (named after Monty Python's Flying Circus, not the Burmese snake) is a high level programming language that is finding wide acceptance in astronomy, physics, engineering, and computer science.
    While it is used as a scripting language, it is also modular and produces standalone executable code.
The first program is an example of a single main function where we allocate and deallocate memory for three matrices using what we will call the basic C++ way  Getting Started, compiling and Brief summary
The option -c is for compilation only, where the program is translated into machine code, while the -o option links the produced object file myprogram.o with  Getting Started, compiling and Brief summary


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