Journal of computational physics review

  • Is the Journal of Computational Physics Q1 or q2?

    PublisherAcademic Press Inc.CountryUnited StatesISSN10902716, 00219991Best QuartileQ1.

  • Journal of Physics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal series published by IOP Publishing; it currently consists of the following journals.
    The following journals were formerly published in the series.
The Journal of Computational Physics focuses on the computational aspects of physical problems. JCP encourages original scientific contributions in advanced  Guide for authorsAll issuesArticles in pressJournal of Computational
The Journal of Computational Physics focuses on the computational aspects of physical problems. JCP encourages original scientific contributions in advanced  Guide for authorsAll issuesArticles in pressView full editorial board

Academic journal

Physical Review E is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal, published monthly by the American Physical Society.
The main field of interest is collective phenomena of many-body systems.
It is currently edited by Uwe C.
While original research content requires subscription, editorials, news, and other non-research content is openly accessible.


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