Computed tomography with perfusion

  • How does perfusion imaging work?

    The perfusion part of the study uses a radioisotope tagged to the blood which shows where in the lungs the blood is perfusing.
    If the scan shows up any area missing a supply on the scans this means there is a blockage which is not allowing the blood to perfuse that part of the organ..

  • What is a CT perfusion used for?

    Computed tomography (CT) perfusion imaging shows which areas of the brain are adequately supplied or perfused with blood and provides detailed information on delivery of blood or blood flow to the brain.
    CT perfusion scanning is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions..

  • What is cardiac CT perfusion?

    CT myocardial perfusion analysis.
    Post-processing of static CTP images is similar to nuclear imaging and generally analyzed visually where a myocardial segment with comparatively “normal” blood flow is required to visually detect segments with lower blood flow..

  • What is the purpose of CT perfusion?

    Computed tomography (CT) perfusion imaging shows which areas of the brain are adequately supplied or perfused with blood and provides detailed information on delivery of blood or blood flow to the brain.
    CT perfusion scanning is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions..

  • A brain perfusion scan is a type of brain test that shows the amount of blood taken up in certain areas of your brain.
    This can provide information on how your brain is functioning.
    There are several different types of brain perfusion scans.
  • MR perfusion imaging refers to several recently developed techniques used to non-invasively measure cerebral perfusion via assessment of various hemodynamic measurements such as cerebral blood volume, cerebral blood flow, and mean transit time.
  • The perfusion part of the study uses a radioisotope tagged to the blood which shows where in the lungs the blood is perfusing.
    If the scan shows up any area missing a supply on the scans this means there is a blockage which is not allowing the blood to perfuse that part of the organ.
  • There are two methods used for producing what are termed perfusion maps of the brain, i.e. maps of the distribution of blood in the tissue, these are Arterial Spin labelling (an extension of normal MR Angiography technique) and Contrast Bolus Tracking (assessing the speed a contrast agent goes through vessels).
Computed tomography (CT) perfusion is a new imaging modality that permits the microcirculation of the brain to be evaluated. Unlike conventional CT imaging, which assesses brain structure and morphology, CT perfusion gathers physiologic information about the status of the cerebral perfusion.


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