Computer applications class 10 code 165

  • What is code 165 in computer application?

    Computer Applications CBSE Code 165 for Class IX and X is a humble effort to provide comprehensive learning and understanding of basis concepts and applications of computer.
    This series uses an interactive, presentable and hand-on approach to communicate about computers..

  • What is the subject code for computer applications?

    Computer Applications (IX & X) - Course Code 165..

  • As there are 4 units in 11th class computer including 38 chapters.
    Hope it helps.
    All the best.
  • Computer Applications (IX & X) - Course Code 165.
Rating 4.7 (14) This series uses an interactive, presentable and hand-on approach to communicate about computers. Based on the syllabus referred by CBSE, the content coversĀ 

Following is a list of code names that have been used to identify computer hardware and software products while in development.
In some cases, the code name became the completed product's name, but most of these code names are no longer used once the associated products are released.


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