Computer architecture kya hai

  • Types of computer architecture

    Computer architecture first appeared in the late 1940s as researchers started work on the first modern electronic computer systems.
    The work is subtly different from that of the electronic circuit designer..

  • Types of computer architecture

    Most modern computers use a Von Neuman architecture, with one memory space for both instructions (software) and data.
    In some systems, devices may be accessed through a separate address range (designated for I/O ports), which acts like memory-mapped I/O but has a distinct addressing scheme..

  • What computer architecture is used today?

    Now a day's computer we are using are based on von-neumann architecture.
    It is based on some concepts.
    The memory we have a single read/write memory available for read and write instructions and data..

  • Answer: John von Neumann coined and developed this architecture.
    The computer we are using nowadays is based on the von Neumann architecture.
Dec 23, 2020Computer के विभिन्न Components एवं उनके मध्य सम्बन्ध को कम्प्यूटर की संरचना (Computer Architecture) कहते हैं। लगभग सभी 
Feb 1, 2023Computer Architecture क्या होता है ? Computer Architecture Hindi: "Computer Architecture" का अर्थ है कंप्यूटर की विन्यास और 


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