Difference between computer architecture and computer design

  • What is design in Computer Architecture?

    Computer architecture refers to the design of the internal workings of a computer system, including the CPU, memory, and other hardware components.
    It involves decisions about the organization of the hardware, such as the instruction set architecture, the data path design, and the control unit design.May 11, 2023.

  • What is the difference between Computer Architecture and computer design?

    Computer design is concerned with the determination of what hardware should be used and how the parts should be connected.
    This aspect of computer hardware is sometimes referred to as computer implementation.
    Computer architecture is concerned with the structure and behavior of the computer as seen by the user..

  • The basic computer has eight registers, a memory unit and a control unit.
    Paths must be provided to transfer information from one register to another and between memory and register.
    The number of wires will be excessive if connections are between the outputs of each register and the inputs of the other registers.
Computer architecture deals with high level design. Computer organization deals with low level design. Computer architecture assists in understanding the functionality of the computer. Computer organization helps to understand the exact arrangement of component of a computer.
Computer design is concerned with the determination of what hardware should be used and how the parts should be connected. This aspect of computer hardware is sometimes referred to as computer implementation. Computer architecture is concerned with the structure and behavior of the computer as seen by the user.


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