Computer architecture with assembly language

  • Can an assembly program run on any computer architecture?

    Because assembly depends on the machine code instructions, each assembly language is specific to a particular computer architecture.
    Sometimes there is more than one assembler for the same architecture, and sometimes an assembler is specific to an operating system or to particular operating systems..

  • What is an example of assembly language in computer architecture?

    Example of assembly language
    In this example of an assembly language, "1:" is the label which lets the computer know where to begin the operation.
    The "MOV" is the mnemonic command to move the number "3" into a part of the computer processor, which can function as a variable. "EAX," "EBX" and "ECX" are the variables..

  • What is the architecture of assembly language?

    Assembly Language is a set of mnemonic languages with a 1 to 1 logical mapping of instructions to the machine code of various architectures.
    Assembly is usually used when the programming task is small and local, as it has very little modularity and is platform-dependent, unlike higher-level languages..

  • Assembly language is a low-level programming language used to directly correspond with machine code.
    It begins with an opcode and then references memory locations or data types to operate on.
  • Assembly language is often used for low-level code, for instance for operating system kernels, which cannot rely on the availability of pre-existing system calls and must indeed implement them for the particular processor architecture on which the system will be running.


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